The fabulous Ilse-Marie Erl – Jeweller showcasing at MoAD NZ Art + Design Week

Originally from Germany Ilse-Marie Erl immigrated to New Zealand in 1986. In 1999 she graduated with a Bachelor of Design from Unitec, School of Design & Visual Arts, Auckland.

Erl is a contemporary jewellery maker with knowledge of and interest in the wider arena of contemporary art. In particular she has been drawn to conceptual work that involves performance, documentation, site-specificity and social interaction with a concern for expanding parameters of contemporary jewellery practice.

Besides having established an active practice exhibiting nationally and internationally, Erl has been lecturing at Unitec, Department of Design & Visual Arts since 2001. Currently she is completing her Masters by Project at Unitec.

Erl’s work is inspired by her urban environment. Being a pakeha living in the world’s largest pacific city, she has established a curious liaison with concrete as a primary material for the construction of body adornment. This material and the forms Erl creates from its interaction with other substances, speak metaphorically about the ways she negotiates her physical and cultural environment. Her works pose questions around the perceptions of identity and beauty.

The combination of materials and form reflects Erl’s relationship with urban Aotearoa: the experiencing of the urban sprawl, the mixing and mingling of different peoples, the growing pressure on our natural and social environment and the challenges to culture and conventions.

Some of Ilse’s favourites:

Who is your favourite NZ artist/designer? Warwick Freeman, because I love his intelligence and aesthetic.

Favourite travel destination? South East Asia, because it is hot there, the people are friendly, the food is plain awesome, life is affordable and the culture is colourful and interesting.

Your favourite place to have coffee/tea? While at work the Latin Fiesta Lounge in Pt. Chev because it is close, they have organic coffe, a Latin flair, good food and very lovely staff. At weekends the corner cafe in Westmere (can’t remember the name) for its fabulous organic food, very good prices and great location.

Ilse Marie will be showcasing her incredible jewellery at NZ Art + Design Week this year!!

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